Deadline extended to 15 June 2021
The purpose of the PhotoMechanics – iDICs 2021 conference is to provide an international forum for academics and practitioners to promote the new possibilities offered by full-field measurement techniques and to discuss their impact on the mechanical characterization of materials and structures.
IMPORTANT: The conference format includes oral presentation only.
Join the conference and propose a contribution among these topics:
• Surface and volumetric measurements
• Thermography
• High and ultra-high speed
• In-situ and small scale measurements
• Uncertainty quantification
• Algorithms and Computational techniques
• Identification and Inverses methods
• Educational uses for full field measurements, Standardization, Best Practices.
Please use the appropriate template to prepare your submission (download one of the following zip files):
Latex format template
MS-Word template
OpenOffice template
Pages template
Overleaf template
Your abstract must not exceed two pages. No conference paper will be asked even for accepted abstracts.
Convert your abstract in a .pdf file and submit it through the submission form.
Then, to prepare your presentation, follow the instructions to authors.